How to add your website to BAT as a publisher via DNS record on Godaddy

How to add your website to BAT as a publisher via DNS record on Godaddy

This is a guide for Basic Attention Token (BAT) publishers. If you're not familiar with BAT, it is a way for visitors to reward publishers like me for their creations, among other features offered by the token. You can learn more about BAT here.

I host my photography website on Photodeck which doesn't offer FTP access, and they are very strict on what to add to the site due to security concerns. Therefore I went for the DNS verification route to link to Brave.

Here is a step-by-step guide which hopefully makes it straightforward. This guide is for GoDaddy, but the actions are similar for other domain registrars.

Step 0: sign up to Brave as a publisher
if you haven't already. Complete registration.

Step 1: On your Brave Rewards Creators page click "Add Channel" at the bottom of the page.

Step 2: Select Website, enter the domain name you own. Select option "B. Edit DNS Records." Click on "I'll edit my DNS record."

Step 3: You get a page with a guide how to complete the edit. Copy the entire text from the box under "Value (or TXT Value / Data)" which includes a long verification code into your clipboard. Don't close this window, we'll use it later.

Step 4: Sign in to your GoDaddy hosting account. Go My Products, click on the DNS button next to the domain you want to add. Below my Dutch dashboard, it looks similar in other languages.
Step 4
Step 5: Click on "Add" (Toevoegen below) in the Records section.
Step 5
Step 6: Select Type "TXT" from the drop down, enter "@" in the Host (this points to your main domain), and paste the contents of the clipboard from Step 3 into the txt-value field. Save these settings by clicking the blue button (Opslaan below).
Step 6

After you've saved, your Records section should look something like this:


Step 7: Go back to your browser window in Step 3, and click Verify DNS Record button at the bottom. This may take several hours to work, mine took seconds. Brave Rewards Creators page should now show your website at the bottom with the added date and its BAT balance.

You can also visit your website with Brave browser to see when it is live. It didn't take more than a few minutes to show up, but it took around three days for my website to show up as verified. Tips are kept in escrow for 90 days, so there's no hurry!

And you're done! For further info Godaddy's own guide can be found here. Best of fortune with your project!